Now What?

2 min readJul 14, 2021

So you did it. You left. It wasn’t exactly like you thought it would be…but you knew it would happen, nonetheless.

It’s funny, that fact. That you knew, on some level, you would leave someday. That you knew it would be you — that you’d reach your limit and you would simply walk away.

Maybe that’s a sign, kiddo. Maybe it’s a sign it’s time to trust yourself.

So now what? You hated being controlled, manipulated, and told what your life would be. You’ve got all the freedom in the world. So now what?

It’s terrifying, thinking of starting your life over again. It’s numbing, thinking about being alone again. And it’s liberating, thinking about all the wonderful things your life could be.

This is hard, yes. It’s painful, and there are moments when you’ll be on your knees, crying. So start with the simplest thing you can do: pray. Pray for guidance. For strength. For peace. For wisdom. For balance. Pray for yourself and for the one who lost you, so there’s no more pain for someone you once loved. Because that is true love — it just wasn’t returned.

And then start doing. Start seeing. Start exploring. Lean on the people you love and who love you. And there are so many of them. Know that this isn’t the end of something but, as ever, God’s plan for the start of something better.

And lift your teary eyes from ground to look forward to a bright and wonderful future. You can do this. You are strong, brave, fierce, funny, kind, loving, intelligent, and beautiful. AND YOU CAN DO THIS.

